
Bespoke tailor made software systems to customers individual requirements.

The system is developed by modelling the business data and functions and using that as the basis for the design so that the resulting system is a true business fit. The software does what the business wants and not the other way round. The design aim is that anyone with a knowledge of the business can operate the system with minimal training. The system can be further developed to integrate with web, email and accounting systems and go on to work the way best suited to your business.

A software package that is a Customer Relations Management System which we can adapt to individual company requirements at reasonable cost

It combines the common elements of systems that ATI has developed in the past and that most businesses need.

It is easy to use with an intuitive user interface and includes a powerful search facility so that you are never more than three clicks away from the data you want.

It has a contact manager which allows you to keep data about your customers, communicate via letter and email based on templates, send mail shots, monitor your sales process and manage your documents. It allows you to create reports based on a library of standard texts, pictures and tables and manage projects with time recording and invoicing.

You can chose which features you require, have them adapted to your needs if necessary and have additional tailor made features developed to your specific requirements.

The system can be deployed as a single user or for multiple users, on either Mac or Windows.

Some of the features that are on this system are:-


Contact Manager

Keyword search contacts. Never more than a few clicks away from the record you require.

Allows grouping of contacts. (eg. Customers, Suppliers, Friends and family, Xmas card list etc…)

Maintains contact details with the ability to have multiple addresses for the same contact(eg. Home, Office)

Allows linking of contacts for the same company/location.

Displays contact related data eg. Correspondence(letter or email), Documents, Projects.

Links to Contact web site

Import and export




The system has a built-in word processor and HTML email editor and can write and print letters and emails with the ability to base them on a template designed by yourself, with the ability to include pictures and substitution fields

Emails as plain text or HTML and can be sent with attachments.

Correspondence is linked to recipient contact and may be linked to a related Project.

Write a letter or email directly from the contact list

Address to multiple recipients

Keeps a permanent record of Correspondence



Send letters and emails to a list of contacts simply by selecting the contacts and the template and pressing print. (No more exporting to Excel and mail merging with Word.)

Edits individual letters to  personalise the mailing and combine multiple recipients at the same location.

Retains a permanent record of each letter sent, so you can see all correspondence sent to a contact, or all correspondence related to a Project.



Campaign management to monitor Contact actions.

Define the actions performed in the context of the campaign. eg. Mailshot, Follow up, send quote, send sample etc.

Link a Contact to an event and record next action and next action date.

Mailshot Contacts linked to a Campaign by letter or email.

View Contacts linked to a Campaign, selectable by next action and next action date.



Store, view and open documents on individual contact folders or from your document viewer.



Create projects and link to Contacts for Client and Billing information.

Specify Project Activities and link to Personnel with billing rates.

Create budgets and monitor progress against them.

time recording

Time Recording

Record time worked against a Project for subsequent billing.

Real time capture of time recording with the Project Timer and notes available as well on both.

Analyse of time over a period and calculating the effective rate paid.



Create a template for your Invoices so that they are produced exactly how you want them.

Invoice your time worked, keeping a relationship with the time records to ensure all work carried out has been invoiced.

Invoices can be linked to Projects for analysis and budget control.

Record whether the invoice has been paid allowing "at a glance" viewing of unpaid Invoices.



Word processing facility to create Proposals and Reports using a library of "Standard Text", tables and pictures.

These library items can be tailored to the individual report.



A feature of the system is that it has security for multi users.

It defines users with start and stop dates.

It specifies the access each user can have to the system.



Backup files can be produced ad hoc or according to a predefined schedule.

This allows the database to be reconstituted in the event of failure.


Maintenance and enhancement of existing 4D systems

All systems will be able to be used on PC and Macs as single user or client server with extra licences